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HandyGo is a J2ME weiqi/go/baduk reader/editor that can run on any MIDP 1.0 enabled devices(phone, PDA).Send any comment to author: tuzi

Demo | Download | Features | Manual | Sourceforge


since 0.1 (2004-5-26)

Solve dead-live problems
2 players game£¬with board size of 9, 13, 19
Multi-lingual: English/Chinese
Shipped with 30 local problems


Read online problem database
Allow handicap in 2 players game
Implement KO, non-suicide for 2 player games
Auto-save games
Send the saved game to the user's mailbox


1.Run the application "weiqi" you will see the main menu as:

Solve problems practise the dead-live problems, the computer will be your opponent.
2 players 2 players game
Help Free software!
Language English or Chinese(probably shown as garbage chartacters...)
Quit end the program

When you are playing on the borad, the control is:

arrow keys Move the cursor. It's where you will play
Fire Place a stone.
Other Please use the help function to check out. They are: undo, show hints of possible moves, show full comment

When solving a problem, if you choose a move that does not exist in the variations, nothing will happen.